Sunday, April 10, 2011

Special Assignmet

Special Assignment
1. After reading the many posts from Mr. McClung, I have grown very fond of his teaching. He is extreamly organized and super excited about teaching his students. Not only does he get excited about teaching, Mr. McClung strives to the best of his ability to make sure his students learn the material too. I love how his blog is set up so that all his classes can go to the appropriate tab for the appropriate class.

2. Mr. McClung seems to have very effective methods of teaching. Especially when he says "class" the class responds with "yes" and also in the same tone of how he says class. This helps with listening and making sure the students are paying attention. I love that method because it keeps the students focused and alert. He also seems extremely excited to teach. I think staying positive and being excited makes all the difference.

3. I like his rules because he has so few. It should definately be a rule of thumb that with the less rules you have, the more affective your teaching can be. In a classroom setting where time is limited and the students are in surplus, the teacher will not have time to work with each individual student and give him or her each individual instructions. This is why following directions quickly is vital. Every student must be on their toes and watching out for one another while getting their own work done. 

4. The first item under "Everyone Needs" was a day planner. Knowing when and what assingments need to be turned in can make all the difference in a school classroom. For example, I love our checklists in EDM 310. They help me stay organized and know when and what exactly needs to be turned in before the week is over. 

5. For each day that your homework is late, it results in loss of a letter grade. I think this is more than fair especially since you know ahead of time that it is due and when. This is similar to Dr. Strange's way of grading as well. The loss of letter grade is what he uses to grade his assignments with as well. I think it is a fair and effective strategy.

6. I love that the blog is for students and parents both. This cuts out paper in the classroom much like in EDM 310. Parents can also see what's happening in the school and forgotten notes and flyers won't be a problem. The students learn to find things for themselves as well and better equips them in this area.

7. My first link I went to was 

8. I love the internet safety tips. They seem like they are excellently thought through and effective to a classroom setting. 

10. I think a classroom would be a wonderful reason to keep a blog. I feel as if it wasn't assinged to me I would create great things on my own if I had more time to work with my blog. I spend so much time on my EDM blog already it would be sad to see that time end. When I look at Mr. McClung's blog, it is so organized but also full of fun stuff and links and projects his students did and I love it.

11. Mr. McClung's blog is extremely easy to navigate around and so simply set up. I think any parent with accessability can log onto this webiste and easily find things and posts from their child.The search box at the top is also a great tool if they were looking for their particular child on the blog. I love that there is no privacy so the parents can see their child's work.

12. Mr. McClung has one of the greatest class blog's I've seen. He obviouslly seems so enthused about learning and he has such a fire for teaching his students the correct and safe way to use technology and the internet. Hemakes me want to do the same with my classroom!

13. He has so much posted on his blog of his students work. It isn't just a post once a month on an update of the class. In just March his blog had 23 posts. That is crazy!  Thank you Dr Strange for sharing this special assignment!

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